IT'S HER DAY: Cosmic Tantrum is out now!! 🔮 ⚡ 🖤 ✨ 🪐

(cross-posted from my substack)

At long last, pals! Today, Cosmic Tantrum materializes—fully formed—on the earth plane. If you’re a traditional observer of this holiday, you’ll of course want to make a ceremonial visit to your local indie bookstore, or support one online.

To see all the nice things other people have said about it so far, you can peep the homepage of my website.

To help me ~*~spread the good word~*~ you can share this post 😊

Brooklyn book launch!

New York pals, you can celebrate with me in person next Saturday, February 22nd (that’s 222, for the angel number girlies) at Brooklyn Poets, along with AngieDoe, Lauren Milici, Megan Pinto, Lena Moses-Schmitt, and Leigh Stein! Full deets here. Tickets here. Hope to see you there!!

I’m cooking up some more events, both in person and virtual, so stay tuned for further deets.

AWP folks: I will be there!

Northwestern University Press is hosting a mixer event on the evening of Thursday, March 27th, and I will be signing books at NUP’s booth on Saturday, March 29th, from 1:00–2:00 pm. Come say hey!!

Tarot blog at NUP

Northwestern University Press kindly asked if I might revive “books as tarot spreads” and do one for Cosmic Tantrum. If you want to see why I think she’s the Eight of Swords, The High Priestess, and The Fool, have yourself a little clickety click.

To mark this momentous day, I asked a few Cosmic Tantrum–themed questions to author-friends of recently published and forthcoming books:

  1. What does a "cosmic tantrum" mean to you? Have you ever had one?

  2. What would your child self think about the life you lead now?

  3. In what ways does your writing allow you to shape-shift, transform, play, or otherwise bend the "normal" rules of engagement?

& here are their responses!

Steven Duong, author of the just-released At the End of the World There Is a Pond (W.W. Norton, January 2025)

  1. I love the title cosmic tantrum, the phrase, have loved it since I first heard it from you... In my mind it feels like an origin story, an explanation for the existence of life. Some entity had a cosmic tantrum and now here we are. Tantrum is such a good word. It's like pettiness and rage and illogic and all-outness. Not sure I've had a cosmic one myself, but hopefully one day...

  2. I think my child-self would be pleased about how much of my adult life still revolves around play. Video games and D&D and that kind of make-believe he always loved, but also poetry and fiction writing, also playing music and playing with my dog and crafting things and making art. There's a lot of work, which I think he expected, but there's so much play.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but rules of engagement is a military term, no? Like the proper gentlemanly etiquette with which to face your opponents on the battlefield? I kind of love that lol—slightly aggro, but it's fun to conceive of the writer's relationship to writing (or one's readers) as combative, because sometimes it feels that way! I think when you begin to write in strict forms (sonnets and ghazals are my personal fave), you can feel the constraints of those forms as the “normal” rules of engagement at first, but once you're comfortable on the field, hitting your marks, finding your footing, you’re able to scope out new angles, and idk, tell it slant, a little? Guerrilla tactics? When I write in form, I want most to construct this thing that feels like a true and even exemplary iteration of the form, but also something off-kilter, something that's ~technically~ put together correctly, but moves with its own weird gait. It's also something I really admire in songwriting. Bob Dylan's on the mind of late (thanks Timothee), and it's something he does so well—making these songs that so clearly know and respect the traditions of folk and rock and the blues and this sort of American songbook or whatever, but feel also slightly (and sometimes much less slightly) slant, strange, outsider, a bit rabid or fucked in the head in the best way.

Edgar Gomez, author of High-Risk Homosexual and the just-released Alligator Tears (Crown, February 2025)

  1. It’s like when all the planets start beefing with each other and their fighting sends angry vibrations through the galaxy and when they reach earth they enter a human and that human goes the hell off for any little reason. Yes, I have like three cosmic tantrums every time I go to the airport.

  2. I’d think like, “Wow, you got really gay, huh?”

  3. I write for high school me, who was so shy and scared of being thought of as a weirdo or a freak for being queer that I was always looking for somewhere to hide. My writing is me giving myself permission to take up space, to play with performance and have people meet me on my own terms.

Lena Moses-Schmitt, author of True Mistakes (University of Arkansas Press, March 2025)—out next month!

  1. To me, a cosmic tantrum conjures two things—either:

    a) a long dark night of the soul, in which you toss and turn in an existential sweat for hours, recalling every horrible or embarrassing thing you've ever done or that's been done to you, before finally falling asleep an hour or two before your alarm is set to go off—only to somehow wake up with a renewed lease on life;
    b) a short rage-fueled run where you get all of your anger out of your body by beating your feet against the pavement.
    In either instance, the emotional fit has to be so powerful that it mysteriously transforms you—that's the cosmic part of the cosmic tantrum.

  2. I think she would be happy and relieved to know I'm still regularly doing the things that she loved to do—writing, drawing, reading books—and that I found a way to make them part of my life! I love this question—I think it's a good sign that my life tends to look sweeter and more rose-colored through the eyes of my child self. Yes, she is just a child. But she is more generous and simple (compliment!) than I am.

  3. For me, writing—and especially writing poetry, of all things!—is inherently an act of doing all of the above. It's a way of stealing time, wasting time, slowing it down, speeding it up, and inhabiting it differently; of living in multiple places or times at once. It's a form of pretending and dressing up and dressing down and allowing myself to be stranger and more dramatic than I feel like I can be in my regular life. And, to reference your second question—I do think it forces me to put on the eyes of a child again, so that the world can be more bizarrely (i.e. accurately) perceived. I know all this sounds a bit woo woo but—I also think all of that is the strength of poetry, especially in a world that constantly devalues it.

Taylor Byas, author of I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times and the forthcoming Resting Bitch Face (Soft Skull Press, August 2025)

  1. A cosmic tantrum to me is when I'm sort of raging with the universe, feeling like nothing is going the way I want, and then the universe hears me complaining and shuts me up by proving why things weren't supposed to go my way. I've had PLENTY.

  2. My child self would be in awe of the life I live. Even though I was comfortable for most of my childhood and I was raised by a highly successful mother, I just never imagined that I would be where I am today, getting to follow my dreams and spend this life doing what I love. It is such a privilege. So many people don't get to follow their dreams. Younger me would be so proud.

  3. Poetry is so cool because we get to cartwheel up and down the line between fiction and reality. Writing allows me to probe my real life on the page, but I get to get creative with how that happens. Do I keep myself on the page? Do I make myself a character? Do I put myself or my character in a fictional situation that communicates some sort of truth? I can do it ALL in poems, because poetry is that girl.

Leigh Stein, author of Self Care,What to Miss When, and other books, and the forthcoming If You’re Seeing This, It’s Meant for You (Ballantine, August 2025)

  1. I have a cosmic tantrum nightly between 1am and 3am when my brain is like, now is the best possible time to think about the future!

  2. My child self would think I've achieved the dream of getting to stay home every day and live inside my imagination.

  3. My fiction is where I feel the least inhibited, the most transgressive. Unlike in real, law-abiding life, you want to lean in to the question, Can I get away with this?

Candice Wuehle, author of Monarch, several poetry collections, and the forthcomingUltranatural(University of Iowa Press, March 2026

  1. I love the paradox in this term—how it's both huge and petty, how it's affect writ large, the human delivered through the sublime, the suggestion that we deliver ourselves to ourselves through fidelity to our emotions in the radical manner of a toddler. I love toddlers and their radical selfishness. Yes, I've had a cosmic tantrum. I won't elaborate...

  2. She'd probably think, “Called it.” I think I might be weird in that I've always expected to be pretty much what I am right now. At points when it felt like my life was peeling off into the wrong direction, I've felt indignation as opposed to dejection. I guess I'm saying I've been delulu til it's trululu since way back.

  3. I was just talking to my class about “In Praise of Navel Gazing” by Melissa Febos, an essay I turn to a lot. Febos discusses the power of language and articulation to make otherwise oppressed and disregarded experiences palpable and real. There's nobody researching cures for diseases that haven't been named. I think the more I name the world around me and my embodied experience, the more I transform reality itself.

Writing prompts

It’s not my usual newsletter time, so I don’t have all the usual bells and whistles, but I did think it would be fun to include a few “universally relatable writing prompts” (lol) from Cosmic Tantrum:

  • Write about a barely coherent explosive argument whose subtext made sense only decades later.

  • Write about powering a small electrical grid with the intensity of your emotions.

  • Write about how the phrase “It’s just good business” is wielded like an incantation that can nullify wrongdoing.

  • Write about wondering why a soul would choose to incarnate here, but loving when a poem devastates you.

If you end up writing something from these prompts, I’d love to hear about it!

(Tinkerbell, September 2021, helping me arrange the poem order for Cosmic Tantrum)

(Magus, her successor, coming in on the assist today to make sure the finished copies are good and stomped.)

My book has a cover! (and she's a bratty little beaut)

(cross-posted from my Substack)

Hey, hi! I don’t normally send back-to-back newsletters in the same month, but I also don’t normally have such good news that I want to share right away!

This is the official cover for my forthcoming poetry collection, Cosmic Tantrum, which will be out February 15, 2025 from Curbstone Books (an imprint of Northwestern University Press). The cover is by Marianne Jankowski ( and is a real eye-catcher, IMHO. I love the bold graphics and the orbit lines and that audacious little spark at the bottom of the lightning bolt. Also, this font, which reminds me of Art Nouveau meets The Jetsons.

In addition to a cover, my book now has a page at NUP’s site where you can preorder it! (You should also be able to request by ISBN from your favorite indie bookstore.) Preorders really help authors, as they can signal to booksellers and sales reps that there’s a lot of interest in a book before it’s even out, which can mean more stores will carry the book, generating more interest, etc. 🔄

I’m running my own DIY preorder campaign inspired by a tarot offering I used to do (a mini-reading plus a custom poem). If you’re one of the first 50 preorders (and want this, lol), I will pull three cards for you and write you a little something in response to them. If you’re one of the first 100 preorders, I will send you a signed bookplate. ✍️

If those goodies are of interest to you, email a copy of your receipt to me at cosmictantrum [at] gmail [dot] com and let me know what address I can snail mail your goods to. 💌

Many thanks to Marianne Jankowski, my editor Marisa Siegel, and the whole NUP team. And many, many thanks to Rachel Feder, Taylor Byas, and Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, who wrote such beautiful blurbs (and to Lucy Ives, whose beautiful blurb came in after the original version of this post went out):

“William Blake taught us that nothing could be scarier than fairy tales for grown-ups. T.S. Eliot taught us that selfhood inheres in the desire for self-erasure. Somewhere in the wild space between these guiding poetics, Sarah Lyn Rogers’s Cosmic Tantrum lays a table for tea.”—Rachel Feder, coauthor of Astrolit: A Bibliophile's Guide to the Stars

“As its title suggests, Sarah Lyn Rogers’s Cosmic Tantrum brilliantly confronts society’s infantilization of women by pulling an Uno reverse. What happens when society gets the ‘good girl’ that it asks for? These poems rage during meditations, they defy in corporate emails, they turn their brattiness up so loud that we all turn to watch their meltdowns. But in our watching, we are forced to reckon with our own discomfort with Rogers’s ‘outsized’ anger. This book reminds us that a tantrum is often a result of our own inattention and neglect. How do we soothe the monster we’ve created?”—Taylor Byas, author of I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times 

“Too much of this world’s currency / is shame,” writes Sarah Lyn Rogers, in Cosmic Tantrum, which frees childhood of its innocence to indict the false motives of conditional love. Flipping the language of business, fairy tale, and dissolution, Rogers rewrites girlhood to offer a refuge from domesticity. Shifting form and address to reason with Kafka, Charlie Brown, Little Edie in Grey Gardens, and the ghosts that haunt survival, Cosmic Tantrum summons mischief to banish harm." —Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, author of Touching the Art

“It seems incredible—nay, impossible—that so many great poems could reside in a single collection, but, reader, it is credible and it is possible, because this is a book by Sarah Lyn Rogers. I read each page with absolute greed, astonished by this jewel-like horde of gorgeous ironies and hard-won information about things hidden since the start of the world.” —Lucy Ives, author of An Image of My Name Enters America

Thank you so much for celebrating with me!

2023 brought me my first BOOK DEAL


It’s me.

We made it to the end of the year, pals.

Last year was the first time I noticed that the coldest winter weather doesn’t coincide with the solstice, the shortest day (at least in the northern hemisphere). There are weeks of little light, and then weeks of bitter cold. Same for summer: the solstice brings the longest day and the most light, but I don’t feel the hottest heat until the following months. Maybe the weather is different where you live, but it was true for me again this year and I found something beautiful in that: how it looks doesn’t have to match how it feels. (And how it feels doesn’t have to match how it looks.)

As a writer, I tend to have long, slow seasons of output that no one sees. Eventually, months or years later—when I’m further away from the self who made the work—it (that self and that work) finally meets other people through publication.

The oldest poems in my forthcoming poetry collection, Cosmic Tantrum, will be eight years old by the time the book is out. It’s a collection I wrote years ago, burned to the ground (excepting those few old poems), and rewrote hoping to match the kind of winking melodrama of the title. It’s absurd and serious, like a life.

Here’s the official announcement screenshot, with a collage-border embellishment of my making. I’ve been in these before as an editor, but never for *~*~my own book, as the author*~*~

By the time I was given the okay to share the good news on social media, I had already known for several months that the book would eventually exist in the world. I’d had my private peak-experience solstice-y feelings about it before I could share the news with others. Maybe that’s the way. We are asked to hold and process so much on any given day—often so much pain and horror, so much to fight against and live alongside and through. I got to hold this joy and let it gestate a while, and now I’m glad to share it with you to pick up and set down again, or file away in your mind for a better time.

Because December is a month for accounting, beyond the book announcement, here’s What Else I Got to Share in 2023:

  • The Zürich-based art gallery Sgomento Zurigo commissioned a poem from me for their show, “Singalong,” featuring artworks by Ken Kagami and Anders Dickson. In addition to using the poem in the exhibition’s pamphlet, they hung it in the gallery!

  • My press-mate Michael Chang invited me to read a few poems at the launch for their poetry collection, Synthetic Jungle. Books Are Magic recorded the reading.

  • The Millions published my review/essay on Lucy Ives’s excellent novel Life Is Everywhere, Cyrano, Sarah Bernhardt, alter egos, and reality vs. “reality.”

  • Taylor Byas’s brilliant debut full-length collection, I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times, which I had the pleasure of editing, was published in August and has already won the Maya Angelou Book Award and the Chicago Review of Books Award for Poetry!!

  • With Summer Farah, I co-edited Best Debut Short Stories 2023: The PEN America Dau Prize and wrote an intro about art as “content,” the writers’ strike, AI art as “a manifestation of an authoritarian fantasy: an ‘artist’ that can’t say no, and works for free,” and how these winning stories are the result of each writer’s choices and refusals. This year’s prizewinners were selected by judges Venita Blackburn, Richard Chiem, and Dantiel W. Moniz. The winning writers are Dailihana E. Alfonseca, Ren Arcamone, Sonia Feldman, Stephenjohn Holgate, Faire Holliday, Mengyin Lin, Verity McKay, Clara Mundy, Jo Saleska, Annabelle Ulaka, Lisa Wartenberg Vélez, and Patrick J. Zhou. You can read interviews with the winners here.

  • My essay on John Darnielle’s Devil House, homes with dirt rooms at their secret centers, and the nightmarescape of California real estate was published in Vol. 1 of the print edition of word west revue.

  • Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore’s daring, touching, experimental memoir, Touching the Art, which I also had the pleasure of editing, was published in November. In a Between the Covers conversation with Mattilda, David Naimon describes the book in a way I love, as “speculative nonfiction,” a “beautiful gesture against, I think, the inevitability of history.”

  • After many years of submitting work there (by postal mail!!), I was really honored to publish a poem in ZYZZYVA. “Baby Island” appears in their Fall Issue, No. 126.

  • In honor of the Gemini Full Moon (and because I’m a Gemini Rising 😈 ), my tarot teacher Jeff Hinshaw invited me as a guest on their podcast, Cosmic Cousins. Jeff did deep reads of a few of my poems and explained how they relate to my astro chart, which was pretty sick.

  • I’m slowly making paintings that correspond with my poems, with excerpts of the text pasted on, zine-style. I partnered with a local print shop that will print and ship any ordered through my website.

  • And I read and edited over a million words this year in client projects—about 1.36 million across developmental edits and editorial assessments for novels, memoirs, story collections; copyedits, cold reads, and proofreads of novels and narrative nonfiction; book proposals; and misc. excerpts, essays, and stories.

I hope December is treating you as well as it can, and that you can linger for a while in this between-time of the end of the year. Wishing you catnaps (in lieu of hibernation) and hearty foods. Now that the shortest day has passed, each day offers a little more light.

If you enjoyed this newsletter and want more, sign up for my Substack here.

If you’re looking for feedback on a completed book-length manuscript, stuck-in-the-middle book-length manuscript, or individual story or essay, I’d love to work with you. You can fill out my contact form here.


Image of the cover of I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times by Taylor Byas, featuring a portal peek at the Chicago skyline

It was an absolute honor to work on this collection with Taylor Byas, and I’m so glad everyone else can read it too and be floored by the power, grace, and agency of these poems. Taylor takes familiar forms and turns them on their heads, bends and sculpts them into something inevitable but surprising. Through it all, a clear picture emerges—of Chicago, of Black girlhood, of reclaiming the stories.

Inspired by The Wiz, this debut, full-length poetry collection celebrates South Side Chicago and a Black woman’s quest for self-discovery—one that pulls her away from the safety of home and into her power

I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times takes its inspiration and concept from the cult classic film The Wiz to explore a Black woman’s journey out of the South Side of Chicago and into adulthood. The narrative arc of The Wiz—a tumultuous departure from home, trials designed to reveal new things about the self, and the eventual return home—serves as a loose trajectory for this collection, pulling readers through an abandoned barn, a Wendy’s drive-thru, a Beyoncé video, Grandma’s house, Sunday service, and the corner store. At every stop, the speaker is made to confront her womanhood, her sexuality, the visibility of her body, alcoholism in her family, and various ways in which narratives are imposed on her.

Subverting monolithic ideas about the South Side of Chicago, and re-casting the city as a living, breathing entity, I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times spans sestinas, sonnets, free-verse, and erasures, all to reimagine the concept of home. Chicago isn’t just a city, but a teacher, a lingering shadow, a way of seeing the world.


Shortlisted for the Maya Angelou Book Award
The Millions, A Must-Read Poetry Book of Summer

“A buoyant blast of South Side love and ache, conversing with Gwendolyn Brooks and Carl Sandburg, finding room for Harold’s Chicken and Claudia Rankine.” —Christopher Borrelli, Chicago Tribune

“In prose both heart wrenching in one line and hilarious the other, Byas paints a portrait of life in Chicago with all of its ups and downs.” —Sam Franzini, Our Culture Magazine

“A literary descendant of fellow Chicagoan Gwendolyn Brooks. Like Brooks, the 27-year-old Byas turns the everyday aspects of life into the exuberantly extraordinary . . . Her collection is a love letter to the city that made her—and to her own journey of self-discovery.” —Diamond Sharp, Chicago Magazine

“With vivid imagery and a staggering wit, Taylor Byas paints portraits of her childhood on the south side and the city in warm hues . . . Byas etches out the beauty in the most mundane parts of Chicago with a reflective eye . . . I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times offers a weighty contribution to Black Chicago’s poetry legacy.” —Reema Saleh, Chicago Reader

“This impressive debut is a celebration of Chicago’s South Side, telling the story of a Black woman’s quest for self-discovery. Every poem is alive with the beauty and intimacy of growing up in the city . . . [A] stunning achievement whose lyricism echoes some of Chicago’s greatest poets, including Gwendolyn Brooks and Eve L. Ewing.” —Michael Welch, Chicago Review of Books

“It is impossible to understate the breadth and skill that Byas demonstrates throughout I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times . . . This collection is further proof that Byas is one of the most important voices in American poetry . . . We are experiencing a legend in the making.” —The Poetry Question

“[An] ecstatic debut . . . These nuanced and complex poems offer unforgettable snapshots of Black life in a vibrant city.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“The poet uses her strong voice to deliver evocative, richly described snapshots . . . In this promising work, Byas tells an intimate story of growing up.” —Booklist (starred review)

“My fellow Chicagoans, rejoice. Taylor Byas’s poems are visually stunning and formally inventive. They give us more proof that everything dope does indeed come from Chicago.” —José Olivarez, author of Promises of Gold

“So many of the greatest poets in the American tradition have been Chicago Black women and this debut collection is an announcement that one more has joined that proud tradition. Byas’s work unfolds with tender attention to all sides of life in the Black metropolis. From mulberry trees to daisy dukes to candy ladies to liquor stores, this work sings of the city that raised me in an authentic way, with a careful formal attention befitting the lineage of Gwendolyn Brooks. This is a work to cherish.” —Nate Marshall, author of Finna: Poems

“In The Wiz, Dorothy finds the song of Oz and follows it down the road, easily—Taylor Byas unearths that spirit-music, too, in her stunning debut, I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times. These poems illuminate Chicago, the body, the sweat of condensation on the Kool Aid cups cooling in the heat on a summer day in technicolor memory and careful music. It is the Chicago that’s there all along among the emerald streets, the self that is always there, the loud and frightening sparkle of a father’s memory, and the sharp edge of a lover’s rough touch. It is the shades of love blooming, green, across the South Side of Chicago. In fresh, inventive, and living formal verse and free verse, Taylor Byas paints the golden path, brick by brick, and we ease on down it.” —Ashley M. Jones, author of Reparations Now!: Poems

“Some collections attempt to build new worlds. Others return to old worlds and write them anew. Byas’ dive into the familial and the familiar is an intimate project, one that questions motherhood, love, and mourning in tandem. All this, in a Chicago that shole ain’t what this world tries to make of it. Taylor’s Chicago flexes and bristles and brims with life. In Byas’ work, Chicago is a/the world, one reimagined as a clever, raw, and beautiful character. Clever, especially so because Byas uses a vast toolbelt stocked well with forms and voice(s) and smirking candor. She tells us of and tells us the truth. Byas writes, ‘what we want has so little room to grow,’ yet all the while, makes room, makes room, makes room. Move out the damn way already!” —Aurielle Marie, author of Gumbo Ya Ya: Poems


Cover design by Nicole Caputo; animation by Elizabeth Yaffe

The Tiger and the Cage: A Memoir of a Body in Crisis is poet Emma Bolden’s debut memoir. For readers of Susannah Cahalan’s Brain on Fire and Porochista Khakpour’s Sick, this exquisitely wrought book recounts a lifelong struggle with chronic pain and endometriosis, while speaking more broadly to anyone who’s been told “it’s all in your head.”

With The Tiger and the Cage, Bolden uses her own experience as the starting point for a journey through the institutional misogyny of Western medicine—from a history of labeling women “hysterical” and parading them as curiosities to a lack of information on causes or cures for endometriosis, despite more than a century of documented cases. Recounting botched surgeries and dire side effects from pharmaceuticals affecting her and countless others, Bolden speaks to the ways people are often failed by the official narratives of institutions meant to protect them.

It’s a beautiful, harrowing read. Bolden’s poetic command of language ensures that, though we plunge into the depths with her, we never drown.

“An intimate, eloquent personal history of survival and self-discovery . . . One of the most riveting and accessible accounts of the experience of pain you’ll read all year.” —Mary Elizabeth Williams, Salon

“If pain is taboo, then the body becomes a very heavy thing. In The Tiger and the Cage, Bolden carries that weight in gorgeous, poetic prose infused with the kind of honesty that is difficult to turn away from . . . For any reader ever cast as the unreliable narrator of their own story, I suspect Bolden’s memoir will feel like a fierce, validating balm.” —Wynter K Miller, Electric Literature

“Bolden shines an unbearable, clinical light on how our desire to please, to be good, which serves us so well in school, can also lead to disaster . . . My sincerest hope is any woman—every woman—with medical problems no male doctor has yet bothered to really try and understand reads The Tiger and the Cage, a book that feels like the beginning of a new genre. There’s a guidebook, now. And a guide.” —Emily Van Duyne, Literary Hub

“Bolden’s memoir digs into the layers of sociocultural beliefs around menstruation, fertility, the expectations of women’s role to mate and procreate, and the indivisible links between sexuality, psychological security, desire, and self-awareness.” —Cat Woods, Shondaland

“[Bolden’s] lyrical descriptions and emotional honesty render this harrowing story hard to put down, and her critique of the medical establishment is both sharp and fair . . . A well-written, deeply researched, and searingly frank memoir about reproductive health.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Dark and riveting . . . [It] stings as much as it astounds.” —Publishers Weekly

“Emma Bolden’s The Tiger and the Cage is a memoir written as an investigation, a dive into what it means to be a woman caught in a medical establishment that doesn’t listen to women. I read this book in a fury. Bolden’s imagery is stark and vivid, and the prose moves in a spiral, encircling her pain, her confusion, and her strength. This book will make you laugh, cry, scream, and bleach your hair while you sing along loudly to Tori Amos. I am so grateful The Tiger and the Cage exists and so grateful for Emma Bolden’s generosity.” —Emme Lund, author of The Boy With a Bird in His Chest

“In The Tiger and the Cage, the call is coming from inside the house—or, rather, from inside the body. In the beautiful prose of a poet, Emma Bolden confronts the patriarchal foundation of the institutions that make our lives what they are: education, religion, medicine. If patriarchy—and frankly, misogyny—is part of medical ‘care,’ then via each surgeon’s scalpel and each prescribed medication, it is also inside us. The Tiger and the Cage opened my eyes, enraged me, and left me in awe of Bolden’s enormous talent as a writer, intelligence as a critic, and courage as a survivor.” —Maggie Smith, author of Goldenrod and Keep Moving

A harrowing portrait of endurance and grief and resilience. With raw honesty and exacting detail, Bolden tells an intimate story while exploring the demands our oppressive culture places on women—our supposed hopes and dreams, our supposed desires and fears, and most poignantly of all the expectations on our bodies, what they should do and how they should behave. It is part damning critique of our male-dominated medical institutions and, quietly, a loving tribute to a mother-daughter bond.” —Julianna Baggott, author of The Seventh Book of Wonders

“Layer by shimmering layer, Emma Bolden transforms the story of her body into the story of a search for truth. The Tiger and the Cage elegantly interrogates narratives of gender, pain, sexuality, and family to reveal the freedom underneath.” —Angela Chen, author of Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex

“In brief, lyrical, and powerful essays, Emma Bolden unleashes her story of endometriosis, and the misogyny she endured at the hands of the medical establishment, interwoven with stories of a supportive and loving Southern upbringing. The Tiger and the Cage is a torrent of feeling. It is a left-hook to the jaw to anyone learning for the first time about the neglectful ways women are often treated when their bodies need help. It is a soft, supportive whisper to those of us who know it too well. May it find its way into the hands of doctors and those in training, and their patients, too, who will find a voice in this book, one speaking with clarity and purpose, that affirms their own experiences.” —Chantel Acevedo, author of The Distant Marvels

“This philosophical, funny, and beautiful memoir is both a work of art and a deep conversation about the rift between mind and body, those two great friends, and rivals, handcuffed together forever. Well-armed with a genuine Greek chorus, a truly excellent and private sense of humor, and incredible gifts for metaphor, Emma Bolden opens the vault for the reader into the true experience of how it feels to both reckon daily with a ravaging illness and also to carry on and make the most of one’s life.

If literature is the great river that runs alongside life, interpreting it, then this book is that river—[it] is deep and vigorous and vital, flashing with transcendence, thinking so richly about the human body, wondering at its mortality and fragility with love and humor and patience and strength.” —Rebecca Lee, author of Bobcat and Other Stories

Cover design by Nicole Caputo; Cover art by Sirin Thada

Now in its sixth year, the Best Debut Short Stories series is an annual anthology celebrating the winners of the PEN America Robert J. Dau Prize for Emerging Writers, which honors twelve short story writers on their first-ever published short fiction.

This was my second year co-editing with the wonderful Yuka Igarashi. This year’s judges were Deesha Philyaw, Sabrina Orah Mark, and Emily Nemens. The twelve honored writers, stories, and journals for 2022 are:

“A Wedding in Multan, 1978” (The Asian American Literary Review) Yasmin Adele Majeed
“All We Have Left is Ourselves” (Reckoning) Oyedotun Damilola Muees
“Beat by Beat” (Barrelhouse Magazine) Emma Shannon
“For Future Reference: Notes on the 7-10 Split” (The Cincinnati Review) Patch Kirschenbaum
“Man, Man, Et Cetera” (The Virginia Quarterly Review) Cal Shook
“Sacrilege” (BOMB Magazine) Edward Salem
“The Black Kite and the Wind” (Virginia Quarterly Review) Erin Connal
“The Cacophobe” (Ploughshares) Seth Wang
“The Chicken” (The White Review) RZ Baschir
“Them Bones” (Hobart) CK Kane
“Work Wives” (Typehouse Literary Magazine) Preeti Vangani
“Writing with Blood” (Flock) Catherine Bai

Best Debut Short Stories 2022: The PEN America Dau Prize is available here, and wherever books are sold. Catapult magazine’s Don’t Write Alone ran a roundtable interview with Deesha, Sabrina, and Emily; PEN interviewed each winning writer, with the whole series of interviews accessible here; and Hobart excerpted the intro that Yuka and I co-wrote. Other press at Lit Hub, BookRiot, and Debutiful.